Check Mate, remains a dear poem to me. Written in dark times, this poem reminds me of courage, resilience and hope. I hope it gives you the same. Originally penned in 2010.
30 seconds of positive energy, positive poetry.
जीवन की किसी भी परिस्थिति से हार न मानना और डटकर उसका सामना करना इस बात को जीवंत करती हुई अनुपम ध्यानी की आवाज में यह कविता युद्ध।
पड़ती है !|Hindi Kavita |हिंदी कविता | Motivational Hindi Poems by Anupam Dhyani Before starting something new one must shed the old! One must be patient for victory and always understand that all good things come in time.
तो क्या जिए | To Kya Jiye |Hindi Kavita |हिंदी कविता | Motivational Hindi Poems by Anupam Dhyani
There is no recipe for life, but it is important to live each moment as if it is your last. Easier said than done ! But you can try.
To Kya jiye is asking questions to myself. You can ask these or other questions as well.
A curious, unafraid life is a life well lived.
रणभूमि का शव tu बन जा, पर रंगमंच की प्रीत ना बन” वास्तविकता में जीवन इसी भांति जीना चाहिए | कविता के शब्दों मे रूप से स्पष्ट रूप से प्रकट किया गया है |अनुपम ध्यानी की आवाज में कविता” Ban, na Ban “…
30 seconds of positive energy, positive poetry.
जश्न-ए -बहारा | Celebrating Life | Hindi Kavita | हिंदी कविता | Poems by Anupam Dhyani
It is so IMPORTANT to pause, reflect, savor the moments that we just let go because we are running this race of life. When you pause is when you realize that the same things that you see is obstacles or impediments or even defeats , were actually life’s most important moment that you so conveniently ignored because you were running a race looking at others.
Jashn-e-bahara jaisi honi chahiye zindagi.
30 seconds of positive energy, positive poetry.
30 seconds of positive energy, positive poetry.
बन जाओ | Hindi Kavita |हिंदी कविता | Motivational Hindi Poems by Anupam Dhyani If you cannot become this- become that!
संदेह | Doubt |Hindi Kavita |हिंदी कविता | Motivational Hindi Poems by Anupam Dhyani
Doubt Everything. A curious mind is doubtful. Not cynical. But doubtful till the true nature of the truth is perceived.
I hope in the current scenario in India Justice is meted out and the perpetrators are punished
नारी ईश्वर की की सबसे सुंदर कृति है, किंतु समाज में नारी को क्या वह स्थान मिला है, जो उसे मिलना चाहिए |जब एक घर बनाने के लिए अपना सर्वस्व समर्पित करने वाली नारी से यह कहा जाता है कि तुम क्या करती हो? यह भाव कितना असहनीय होता है | इसी संदर्भ में डॉक्टर राजीव राय की यह गीत इस हकीकत को उजागर करता है
Maa ही जगत की निर्माता होती है उसका आशीष हमें सभी संकटों से दूर करता है कविता में इसका उल्लेख किया गया
Reviews for: शह और मात ! | Check- Mate