“Patro o Patri” is a story of a boy whose mom wanted to fix his marriage with a little girl before he goes to college. The marriage has been discarded by his father. But the process of negotiations revealed the fact that even 14 years old boy’s imagination of marital relationship was revolving around the same expectation, attention and control towards his baby wife that he experienced in his father’s behavior pattern all through his life in spite of being a modern boy and raised independent.
हरसुंदरी ने मां न बन पाने के कारण अपने पति निवारण का विवाह शेलबाला नाम की किशोरी से तो कर दिया पर उसे क्या पता था कि इसके बाद उसका जीवन इतनी मुश्किलों से भर जाएगा।
बनवारी जो पत्नी से बेहद प्रेम करता है, अपने हालदार परिवार के के बड़े बेटे होने का फर्ज न निभाते हुए केवल उसकी खुशी के लिए ही सब करता है लेकिन परिस्थिति तब बदल जाती है जब उसे पता चलता है कि उसकी पत्नी किरण की नज़र में उसका कोइ मोल नहीं और वह जी जान से अपने देवर के पुत्र हरिदास की देखभाल करते हुए कब उसकी पत्नी से ज्यादा हालदार परिवार की बड़ी बहू बन गई बनवारी को पता ही नहीं चला।
एक ऐसी मुसलमान राजकुमारी की कहानी जिसने अपनी सेना के हिंदु सेनापति के लिए अपना धर्म और राज्य सब छोड़ दिया लेकिन अपने प्रेम को ना प्राप्त कर सकी।
फणिभूषण और मणिमल्लिका के प्रेम, मिलन और विछोह की रहस्यमई कहानी।
“Taraprasanner Kirti” is a story of the frustration and failure of an author after he has invested everything after it.
“Taraprasanner Kirti” is a story of the frustration and failure of an author after he has invested everything after it.
Khata” is a story of a girl who in those days got the opportunity of schooling while women’s education was not that very common. The little girl was enthusiastically writing everywhere that was not very much appreciated by his brother as she was messing up his writing notebook. Once she got married she was taunted and prevented from writing by her sister-in-law and her husband who had himself a strong passion for writing. At the end she was forced to stop writing. Her fate was bound to surrender herself to the hostile situation.
It was a path-breaking short story in form of a letter (the letter itself constitutes the whole story) which a typical Bengali upper middle-class wife “Mrinal” writes to her husband. She’s a poet, a thinker and over all a woman who dared to question, expressing bold and fervent statements with realizations coming from within the course of 15 years of her married life through letter to her husband.
“Chitrokor” is a story of a solvent housewife, a mom whose life is dedicated in pursuing creative art as part of her hobby. She got her husband in support of her passion. But after her husband’s death the relative whose house she was sheltered, used to believe in materialism. And he used to preach her son that money making is the only way that’s meaningful in life. First the lady tried to live with her passion even exposing her hobby to her child hiding from the shelter giver. But when he came to know and resisted vehemently, she didn’t even hesitate to leave the house with her child for the sake of her passion on art.
Chuti or The Home Coming is an interesting story written by the very famous Rabindranath Tagore. Explanation: The story revolves around a young boy who is in his teens and is confused about his life problems. His awkwardness is described beautifully.
कहानी पाश्चात्य सभ्यता लिवइन रिलेशनशिप आधारित है |प्रतिमा बिना शादी के प्रणव के साथ रह रही है वह उसके बच्चे की मां बनने जा रही है| उसके अनुसार स्वतंत्रता, अस्तित्व, वजूद, पसंद, सब शादी के साथ मिटने लगते है| किन्तु क्या उसे एहसास हो पायेगा कि सारे रिश्ते रस्मों के मोहताज होतें हैं |
हमारे समाज की कितनी बड़ी विडम्बना है की एक तरफ गरीब के सर पर छत नहीं और वहीं दूसरी तरफ हम धार्मिक स्थलों पर पानी के जैसे पैसा बहाते हैं। ऐसी ही कुछ बात कह रही है मेरी यह कहानी ‘ वो टपकती झोपडी ‘
पर्यावरण संरक्षण के नाम पर, बिना विषय की गंभीरता समझे अपनी किट्टी पार्टी की सहेलियों के साथ श्रीमती खन्ना की पर्यावरण बचाने की मुहीम पर हास्य व्यंग।
यह उन महिलाओं को समर्पित कविता है ,जो अपना संपूर्ण जीवन अपने परिवार , अपने बच्चों के लिए अर्पित कर देती है, किंतु उन्हें कभी भी इसका प्रतिफल नहीं प्राप्त होता | भावना तिवारी जी की भावपूर्ण आवाज में कविता “ जो बाग लगाया था “……
Reviews for: Patro o Patri