RSTV brings to you an intriguing biopic of the renowned actor Meena Kumari. For the first time in the history of Indian television, RSTV uncovers the stories and anecdotes buried with time, giving voice to the words that were once unheard, separating the myths from the truth while bringing out the mysterious life of Meena Kumari. Meena Kumari was the most prominent actress of Bollywood in the 60s. A poet, a singer, a writer, all blended into one, she left an indelible mark in the world of cinema, even while she underwent great personal setbacks and losses. Her painful life story affected her deeply which also showed up in her professional career. Know more about the life of ‘Tragedy Queen’ Meena Kumari in this edition of Virasat.
Anchor: Rajesh Badal
Amitabh Bachchan born 11 October 1942, is an Indian film actor, film producer, television host and former politician. He first gained popularity in the early 1970s for films such as Zanjeer, Deewaar and Sholay, and was dubbed India’s “angry young man” for his on-screen roles in Bollywood. Referred to as the Shahenshah of Bollywood, Sadi ka Mahanayak, Star of the Millennium, or Big B, he has since appeared in over 190 Indian films in a career spanning almost five decades. Bachchan is widely regarded as one of the greatest and most influential actors in the history of Indian cinema as well as world cinema. So total was his dominance on the Indian movie scene in the 1970s and 1980s that the French director François Truffaut called him a “one-man industry”
राष्ट्रकवि, लेखक और पत्रकार मैथिलीशरण गुप्त की ज़िंदगी पर पहली बार एक घंटे की बायोपिक फ़िल्म। इस फ़िल्म में मैथिलीशरण गुप्त की ज़िंदगी के अनेक अनछुए पहलुओं को उजागर किया गया है। ब्रजभाषा में अपनी कविता शुरू करने वाले मैथिलीशरण गुप्त महावीर प्रसाद द्विवेदी की प्रेरणा से खड़ी बोली हिंदी के अग्रणी कवि बन गए। उन्होंन खड़ी बोली को एक काव्य-भाषा के रूप में विकसित करने में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाई । साहित्य जगत में दद्दा नाम से लोकप्रिय मैथिलीशरण गुप्त की कालजयी कृति भारत-भारती ने राष्ट्रीय आंदोलन के दौरान नई राजनीतिक और सामाजिक चेतना जगाई। राष्ट्रवाद और ऐतिहासिक गौरव को आधार बनाकर उन्होंने अनमोल रचनाएं की। अपनी बेबाक लेखनी के लिए मैथिलीशरण गुप्त को आज़ादी के आंदोलन के दौरान जेल भी जाना पड़ा। अपने शानदार साहित्यिक लेखन के लिए पद्म भूषण से सम्मानित राष्ट्रकवि मैथिलीशरण की जीवन गाथा पर बनी एक शानदार फ़िल्म।
Anchor: Rajesh Badal
A man privileged with a creative mind, R K Laxman ushered a new era of cartooning in India. With his popular creation ‘Common Man’, which was a witness to India’s continuous transformation for decades, he touched the hearts of countless people world over.
This edition of Virasat brings you the exciting story of the legendary cartoonist R K Laxman who opened up a new world of thinking & understanding through his sketches.
Anchor: Rajesh Badal
Rajya Sabha TV brings to you ‘Virasat’, a series which explores the life and times of distinguished artistes from various fields. In the first episode of this series, watch a biopic on the legendary actor and choreographer, Zohra Sehgal.
Anchor: Rajesh Badal
#RamdhariSinghDinkar donned many hats in his glorious life – prominent poet & essayist of his times, a nationalist, an academic, critic, among others. His contribution to Indian Independence Movement by way of composing inspiring patriotic poetry has given him the title of a ‘Rashtrakavi’ or National poet. In various ‘Kavi sammelans’ even today, he his fondly remembered as the doyen of nationalistic & rebellion spirit. A former nominated member of Rajya Sabha, Ramdhari Singh ‘Dinkar’ won a number of awards & facilitations for his mammoth contribution which includes Padma Bhushan, the prestigious Jnanpith Award and Sahitya Akademi Award. He has left a literary treasure trove for the future generations to revel in and appreciate his fascinating work. Get to know more about his inspiring life journey in this edition of Virasat. Anchor: Rajesh Badal
Reviews for: Meena Kumari (Part 2)